This function returns coefficients from a model fit by owl().

# S3 method for Owl
coef(object, sigma = NULL, exact = FALSE, simplify = TRUE, ...)



an object of class 'Owl'.


penalty parameter for SLOPE models; if NULL, the values used in the original fit will be used


if TRUE and the given parameter values differ from those in the original fit, the model will be refit by calling stats::update() on the object with the new parameters. If FALSE, the predicted values will be based on interpolated coefficients from the original penalty path.


if TRUE, base::drop() will be called before returning the coefficients to drop extraneous dimensions


arguments that are passed on to stats::update() (and therefore also to owl()) if exact = TRUE and the given penalty is not in object


Coefficients from the model.


If exact == FALSE and sigma is not in object, then the returned coefficients will be approximated by linear interpolation. If coefficients from another type of penalty sequence (with a different lambda) are required, however, please use owl() to refit the model.


fit <- owl(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$vs, n_sigma = 1) coef(fit)
#> (Intercept) V1 #> -0.67805384 0.05552609