A ternary plot is a triangular diagram that displays proportions of three variables. It can be used to map three-dimensional data to a two-dimensional surface with the caveat that the data's original scales are lost (unless it was proportional data to begin with).#'
ternaryplot(x, data, ...) # S3 method for formula ternaryplot(x, data = NULL, response = NULL, groups = NULL, density = FALSE, region = density || !is.null(response), contour = density || !is.null(response), labels = !is.null(response), colorkey = region, xlab, ylab, zlab, xlim = c(-0.15, 1.15), ylim = c(-0.3, 1), panel = panel.ternaryplot, default.prepanel = lattice.getOption("prepanel.default.xyplot"), drop.unused.levels = lattice.getOption("drop.unused.levels"), subset = TRUE, ...) # S3 method for data.frame ternaryplot(x, data = NULL, ...) # S3 method for matrix ternaryplot(x, data = NULL, ...)
x | See Methods (by class). |
data | A data frame in which the |
... | Arguments that are passed on to other methods, particularly
response | An optional response variable |
groups | A variable or expression to be evaluated in |
density | Compute two-dimensional density estimates via |
region | Fill density or response estimates with a color gradient. |
contour | Draw contour lines for density and response estimates. |
labels | Label contour lines. |
colorkey | if |
xlab | X axis label (the left dimension) |
ylab | Y axis label (the right dimension) |
zlab | Z axis label (the top dimension) |
xlim | X limits for the plot region. |
ylim | Y limits for the plot region. |
panel | The panel function. |
default.prepanel | The default prepanel function. |
drop.unused.levels | Drop unused conditioning or groups levels. |
subset | An expression that evaluates to a logical or integer indexing vector. Like groups, it is evaluated in data. Only the resulting rows of data are used for the plot. |
An object of class "trellis"
. The
method can be used to
update components of the object and the
method (usually called by
default) will plot it on an appropriate plotting device.
: A formula of the form top ~ left * right
. Variables
will be evaluated inside data if provided.
: A data frame for which the first three columns will
be mapped to the left, right, and top dimensions of the ternary plot
: A matrix for which the
first three columns will be mapped to the left, right, and top
dimensions of the ternary plot respectively.
ternaryplot(Fertility ~ Agriculture * Catholic, data = swiss)ternaryplot(Catholic ~ Examination * Education, response = Infant.Mortality, data = swiss, contour = FALSE)ternaryplot(Or ~ An * Ab | Feldspar, data = feldspar)ternaryplot(Or ~ An * Ab, groups = Feldspar, data = feldspar, density = TRUE)