tactile introduces new panel functions to the latticeverse.

panel.ci(): confidence intervals

panel.ci() adds confidence bands around a line using arguments lower and upper. This is usually of interested after, for instance, having fitted a model and then made predictions using that model.

As an example, we will try to predict petal width from petal length and speices, using the iris dataset.

Having predicted values across our grid, we now plot the predictions, including 95% confidence levels using the following lines.

Example of using panel.ci.

Example of using panel.ci.

Also note the use of the prepanel.ci() function that we provide the prepanel argument with so that the axis limits are set properly.

panel.qqmathci(): confidence intervals for lattice::qqmath()

panel.qqmathci() is designed to be used together with lattice::qqmath() and lattice::panel.qqmathline() to provide confidence intervals for the theoretical quantities. A rather contrived example follows.

Example of using panel.qqmathci.

Example of using panel.qqmathci.