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Print results from SLOPE fit


# S3 method for SLOPE
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for TrainedSLOPE
print(x, ...)



an object of class 'SLOPE' or 'TrainedSLOPE'


other arguments passed to print()


Prints output on the screen

See also

SLOPE(), print.SLOPE()

Other SLOPE-methods: coef.SLOPE(), deviance.SLOPE(), plot.SLOPE(), predict.SLOPE(), score()


fit <- SLOPE(wine$x, wine$y, family = "multinomial")
print(fit, digits = 1)
#> Call:
#> SLOPE(x = wine$x, y = wine$y, family = "multinomial")
#> Path summary:
#>    alpha deviance_ratio n_nonzero
#> 1  1e-01           0.01         1
#> 2  8e-02           0.35         4
#> 3  5e-02           0.56        11
#> 4  3e-02           0.72        14
#> 5  2e-02           0.81        15
#> 6  1e-02           0.87        16
#> 7  7e-03           0.91        16
#> 8  5e-03           0.94        17
#> 9  3e-03           0.96        19
#> 10 2e-03           0.97        18
#> 11 1e-03           0.98        18
#> 12 7e-04           0.99        18
#> 13 4e-04           0.99        18
#> 14 2e-04           0.99        19
#> 15 2e-04           1.00        19