This vignette contains benchmarks of sgdnet against other similar packages. The data has been precomputed from scripts that are available at
The benchmarks were generated as follows:
.The benchmarks were run on a dedicated Amazon EC2 m4.large instance.
Note that some of the data sets below are not strictly 100% dense, despite the specifications below. They are, however, stored in dense matrix form (the regular matrix
class in R), which makes the packages ignore any sparsity.
Name | Observations | Features | Density |
abalone | 4,177 | 8 | 100% |
cadata | 20,640 | 8 | 100% |
mushroooms | 8,124 | 12 | 100% |
Benchmarking results for gaussian responses.
In this section, we are going to look at the following datasets:
Name | Observations | Features | Density |
adult | 32,561 | 123 | 11% |
icjnn1 | 49,990 | 22 | 100% |
mushroooms | 8,124 | 112 | 19% |
All of these have been collected from the libsvm binary dataset collection.
Benchmarking results for binomial responses.